Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions

Got Questions? We're here to help!

Here at Pinkerton's Paws I care about any questions or concerns you may have! I know that choosing the right puppy is a big step and takes careful consideration. To help with your decision I am providing you with answers to common questions I receive.

How big will my French Bulldog get?

While each of my frenchies are unique, the average weight of an adult is anywhere from 24 - 30 pounds.

Do you have pictures of the parents?

Yes I do and I will be happy to share them with you.

Do you breed other kinds of dogs?

No, I don't. My focus is on Frenchies and I want to put all my energy into caring for and raising healthy little friends for your family.

What are the transportation rates?

The current transportation fee is around $300 - $400 depending on your location.

Do you have a business nearby so I can figure the driving distance?

Our home is 7 minutes from the Millersburg Walmart.

Are you available Sundays?

We are closed on Sundays.

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